Meeting Minutes: January 26, 2012

Present: F. Berrymen; S. Blosser; E. Brozovic; K. Buehrer; D. Margolis, V. Martz; G. Pierce; T. Ring; J. Silsby; T. Smeltekop; C. Steffke; S. Swierenga.

  1. Blosser called the meeting to order at 3:07 pm and requested all participants introduce themselves with name, title, and responsibilities.
  2. Blosser announced the list serve is up and active. Blosser stated there has been consistent activity via topics on the ATC listserv.
  3. Blosser requested we focus on the APP&R for review and addition of topics and items to the ATC CAFE proposal. Blosser requested feedback regarding the opening paragraph regarding the "Usability/Accessibility Research and Consulting" resources on campus to assist faculty with web accessibility for instructional content. Members provided feedback regarding wording adding: vuDAT and an emphasis on "support for faculty". Blosser stated the need on campus is essential to support our infrastructure, outreach, and engagement.
  4. Members reviewed the APP&R items and prioritized the items according to importance. Members recommended a cost structure for item number 1 - Campus-Wide Adaptive Software Site Licenses and Upgrades, shown by adding an additional column for existing funds (cost per year or renewal fees). Members also recommended the addition of an asterisk for items which need to be renewed and are covered by 2011 funding. Reviewed the remaining APP&R items listed (CCTV, Math Processing Software, Talking Tactile Graphics System, Braille Typewriters, & Video Remote Interpreting/Real-time Equipment) and the purpose for each item.
  5. D. Margolis requested the addition of a refreshable Braille display for the library, adjustable chairs, and motorized/adjustable tables. Members also requested the addition of information in the cover page to include the rationale and timeframe for the items which have not been replaced.
  6. The meeting was adjourned (Pierce, Smeltekap) at 4:26 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Martz, Recording Secretary