Meeting Minutes: February 23, 2012

Present: S. Blosser; D. Goodrich; R. Junus; D. Leahy; D. Margolis; S. Martinez; G. Pierce; A. Puzzuoli; S. Rowley; T. Smeltekop; V. Webster.

  1. Blosser called the meeting to order at 3:03 pm and requested all participants introduce themselves and their role at MSU.
  2. Blosser advised that Dave Gift may stop-by the ATC meeting to review the current proposal and the RFP (request for proposals) for Captioning.
  3. Blosser explained the RFP is the process the university uses to request companies provide specific information about themselves and their product or services. Blosser stated MSU departments are creating video content and online classes, recordings, promotional videos, and web videos, which need to include captioning for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. ATC would like to streamline the process and make sure videos are accessible for classes or departments by assisting with the RFP process to request quality captioning services.
    Blosser is requesting feedback on the questions proposed for the RFP, and stated MSU has consulted with other universities to obtain additional direction.
  4. Blosser requested a review of the questions for the Captioning RFP - Questions to Vendors by ATC members: Members requested clarification regarding the quality of services or credentials of service providers. Members requested a sample of the company's work. Members inquired regarding the terminology, word banks, and materials needed by the company to include in the contract for production of the captioning. Members inquired regarding the use of copyright materials and the incorporation of these materials in the RFP. Members requested the format of the videos and the provision of the formats. Members also requested clarification regarding how the company will deal with accents from native and non-native speakers.
    Members also provided editing feedback regarding the RFP.
  5. Emily announced the RFP proposal for Captioning.
  6. The meeting was adjourned (Pierce, Webster) at 4:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Martz, Recording Secretary