Meeting Minutes: September 19, 2013


  • Stephen Blosser - Assistant Technology Specialist, RCPD
  • Nate Evans - Instructional Designer, Learning Design and Technology
  • Ranti Junus - Systems Librarian, Libraries
  • Deborah Margolis - Librarian/Technologist, Libraries
  • Graham Pierce - User Experience Researcher, UARC; Project Manager, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research; Digital Communications Coordinator, Center for Community and Economic Development
  • Al Puzzuoli - Information Technologist, RCDP
  • Tyler Smeltekop - Course Materials Manager, Libraries
  • Sarah Swierenga - Director, Usability/Accessibility Research and Consulting (UARC)


  1. Blosser called meeting to order at 3:02 PM, followed by introductions including name and title.
  2. Blosser announced that Tom Davis had fully funded the APP&R requests from last year.
  3. Members discussed Tower Guard and other students at the RCPD, and their involvement in the process of making eBooks. RCPD's workload has grown in the past years, needing e-text for classes such as calculus and engineering. Use of touchscreens may improve access to some materials.
  4. ATC Officers were elected. Blosser will search for a representative from the Council for Students with Disabilities. Katelynn Ritchie will serve as Secretary and Tower Guard Representative. Graham Pierce will serve as Vice Chair. Blosser will remain Chair.
  5. Members discussed the inclusion of college and department representatives in the ATC. These representatives wouldn't have to know everything about their unit, but should be able to communicate with others in their college/ department.
  6. Blosser summarized the agenda for the brownbag on eText Illinois taking place the next day. MSU's online database for e-text is similar to Illinois', but MSU is in need of an upgrade so that books do not need to be broken up into several sections (due to the limited storage capacity of the system), and so that more eBooks are accessible to students.
  7. Tom Davis arrived at 4:00 PM and was thanked by the ATC members for funding APP&R requests.
  8. IT services has put together an action plan to talk determine high priority projects and discuss future TLE funding targets.
  9. Members discussed working towards updating the web accessibility policy with Davis. Davis discussed options to include a universal header and footer on each website within MSU's domain. These templates would need to pass accessibility requirements.
  10. The meeting was adjourned (Pierce, Junus, Evans) at 4:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Katelynn Ritchie, Recording Secretary