Meeting Minutes: January 16, 2014


  • Stephen Blosser, Chair
  • Graham Pierce, Vice Chair; Webmaster
  • Al Puzzuoli, Digital Communications Coordinator
  • Kaitlyn Hlywa
  • Amra Azim
  • Diane Barker
  • Nicholas Blackledge
  • Lynda Boomer
  • Dave Dai
  • Paul Herberlein
  • Michael Hudson
  • James Jackson
  • Deborah Margolis
  • Virginia Martz
  • Adi Mathew
  • Chris Perry
  • Don Ries
  • Todd Ring
  • Angela Sebald
  • Matt Smania
  • Sarah Swierenga
  • Michael VanPutten
  • Adrian Woodside
  • Bowei Yu


  1. Blosser called meeting to order at 3:00 PM
  2. Robert Pearson, Sales Executive, Four Winds Interactive (FWi) gave a remote web/speaker phone presentation focusing on accessibility of FWi digital signs.
    • Users need to touch a button to turn on text-to-speech. As it automatically highlights items being read, it paginates and reads the items based on textual content appearing on the display. The touch screen software is very flexible, and FWi are open to suggestions from MSU on ways to improve it.
    • FWI only produces software, not hardware. The software is Windows-based and uses accessibility features built into Windows 7/8
    • Braille, audio, etc. can be added as part of a custom design. Braille instructions direct users to the button area for touch screen. Puzzoli asked how buttons are activated, and whether visually impaired users can explore the device by touch (like an iPhone), or whether it opens content when you touch a button. Device will open content on any touch. Braille will be at bottom-right-hand corner. Titles and descriptions can be set up to be read to blind users.
    • ADA accessible Kiosks are angled for both standing and wheelchair use. Pressing the "ADA" button at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen brings all of the buttons down to the ADA accessible level so that wheelchair users can reach all of the buttons.
    • Puzzuoli asked whether audio automatically begins when headphones are plugged in? Answer: It's a possibility. The company will look into it.
    • Hudson asked whether kiosk content can be accessed via smartphones/tablets, for example via a simple shortcut (e.g., Answer: FWi appBuilder allows creation of mobile modules such as a phone app or a webpage that can be accessed via QR code.
    • Jackson asked whether users need to be in front of the kiosk to access the information via mobile device. Answer: No. Once you have QR code/URL, you can be anywhere to access the information on the kiosk. You could install the app or save webpage as a bookmark.
    • VanPutten asked how much the software costs. Answer: Depends on what you're utilizing it for. An interactive sign (1 content manager and display, not including hardware, training, etc) is $2,485. Additional items are custom, such as training and content subscription, and a multitude of different types of displays are offered. Monthly, quarterly, and yearly rates are available.
    • A FWi sign is being installed at MSU Student Services. FWi is working with Sharon Wells and Dr. Maybank.
  3. Adi Mathew, an electrical engineer and RCPD employee, demonstrated the Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (LE) protocol used in iBeacons.
    • Technology could be implemented on campus to make all digital signs accessible. By transmitting sign identification, it could direct users to a web site with the same or equivalent information. This is better than a QR code, because the user would not have to manually search for a sign or QR code, but would be prompted when in the vicinity.
    • Technology could also be used to help all travelers, blind and sighted, to navigate inside buildings. GPS outdoor navigation could also be enhanced.
    • Technology will make mobile applications more location-aware.
    • An alternative to Apple's iBeacon is Qualcomm's Gimbal platform, which is a different implementation of the Bluetooth LE protocol.
    • An MSU Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE480 capstone student design team is investigating a more efficient means of implementing the same protocol this semester.
  4. The meeting was adjourned (Pierce, Mathew) at 4:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Kaitlyn Hlywa, Recording Secretary