Meeting Minutes: October 16, 2014
- Stephen Blosser, Chair
- Graham Pierce, Vice Chair; Webmaster
- Al Puzzuoli, Digital Communications Coordinator
- Liza Reynolds, Recording Secretary
- Dave Goodrich
- James Jackson
- James White
- Jo Silsby
- Mike Ezzo
- Nate Evans
- Paul Heberlein
- Ranti Junis
- Shirl Rowley
- Todd Ring
- Tyler Smeltekop
- Vi'Nessa Webster
- Blosser called meeting to order at 3:00 PM
- Blosser discussed meeting agenda and indicated that funding requests were completed at the last minute last year
- Discussion of the request for new computers for Real Time Captioning team
- Computers are used to type in live audio for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
- The process is much easier if the machine is modern and high quality, and warranties are needed
- Real Time Captioners are often prepare for lectures by looking ahead of time
- The last time they received new computers was in 2010
- Goodrich talked about communication strategies regarding faculty and course content accessibility
- Evans and Goodrich been meeting to put together a plan to inform faculty and staff about accessibility training and materials
- Interested in gathering stories and videos of students explaining their difficulties with content not being accessible
- Success stories of students can inspire staff to make their content more accessible
- Want faculty to talk with each other about making content accessible
- Plan to send a monthly email to faculty to inform them of tips for making content accessible
- Included would be simulated experiences of the poor accessibility and its impacts
- Discussion of email sent by Mike Hudson regarding accessibility of online materials
- Discussion of what is done for faculty delivering inaccessible digital content through D2L
- Usability/Accessibility Research and Consulting occasionally gets a call to review accessibility of content
- For major purchases, we need a high quality evaluation of accessibility done by a professional
- The MSU branding is being applied to sites that are not necessarily accessible, such as Google
- Is it possible for MSU to do an evaluation of sites every 6 months to check for accessibility?
- Puzzuoli suggests this should be sent to the CIC; evaluations of third-party sites should be shared
- Goodrich suggests a Wiki where individual experts can provide evaluations and information
- Discussion of e-mail sent by Brendan Guenther regarding procurement
- D2L now known as Brightspace
- Companies may provide internal accessibility evaluations, but MSU needs an expert to review the evaluation to determine whether or not the product is in compliance
- MSU has an interest in making things accessible for students; vendors interest is in selling their product
- McGraw-Hill is unwilling to add a tab to their catalog and specifically state which textbooks are accessible
- Discussion of MSU potentially refusing to purchase products that are not accessible
- This may be more viable if our peer institutions took the same position
- MSU Web Accessibility Policy only applies to content delivered online, but should be expanded to include all digital materials
- Any inaccessible content could result in a lawsuit against MSU
- Lack of any accessibility policy and rules for non-online content is a problem
- ATC should recommend to the CIO that purchasing agreeements should require accessibility
- Summary of comments and recommendations made thus far in meeting
- Blosser stated that digital media delivery systems may never be fully accessible
- Pierce stated that a lawsuit against MSU would result in a change in policy and rules, and many ongoing accessibility problems would no longer be permitted to continue
- Discussion of whether MSU's CIO can convince other CIOs to only purchase accessible books and materials, levaraging combined purchasing power to influence vendors
- Blosser stated that we are at a point where we can start writing a recommendation to the CIO about rules and policy
- White, Pierce and Ezzo offer to help Blosser with this task
- Reiterate that there should be somebody who is reviewing items for their accessibility in a paid position at MSU
- Several universities, including Penn State, Central Florida, and New Hampshire, have accessibility coordinators, but MSU does not
- Blosser makes motion to post the previous meeting minutes and Goodrich seconds
- The meeting was adjourned (Pierce) at 4:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Liza R. Reynolds, Recording Secretary