Meeting Minutes: December 18, 2014
- Stephen Blosser, Chair
- Graham Pierce, Vice Chair; Webmaster
- Al Puzzuoli, Digital Communications Coordinator
- Rebecca Blundell
- Nicole Edge
- Nate Evans
- Michael Ezzo
- Paul Heberlein
- Michael Hudson
- Deborah Margolis
- Adi Mathew
- Tyler Smeltekop
- Vi'Nessa Webster
- James White
- Blosser called meeting to order at 3:00 PM
- Review of draft letter to VP/CIO Joanna Young
- Recommendation 3 approved by majority vote with the following changes
- Under Intermediate Future additions slated for FY 2015-2016, add bullet point: Digital sites will alert people to their presence and digital signs would become more accessible
- Add timeline for project, app, and usage (e.g., when app will be in stores, when app will be ready for use)
- Recommendation 1 approved by majority vote with the following changes
- Re-add missing paragraphs
- Have the exception written in, and specifically identify the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives as responsible for granting any exceptions.
- Detail complaint process
- Add in a drafter's note that this is a starting limit. If it is not feasible then go through the Office for Inclusion to become compliant.
- Recommendation 2 approved by majority vote with the following changes
- Edit the requesting unit to only include IT Services Teaching and Learning - need to make sure that all parties are actually supporting this and including everything in personal budgets
- Under training: Need to break out what the $20,000 includes (not clear if it is includes consulting costs)
- Remove the other section - captioning needs to be re-written, and moved to a different section. It needs to be justified, more detailed, and reworked.
- Recommendation 4 approved by majority vote with the following changes
- Need to request funds. Include $5,000 for piloting. Need to have a request with specifics. This section still needs work because permission needs to be obtained from publishers, and the database needs to be separate from and RCPD data.
- Recommendation 5 approved by majority vote with no changes
- Recommendation 6 approved by majority vote with the following changes
- Move to the end of the document, since no funds are requested
- Recommendation 7 approved by majority vote with the following changes
- Needs to state that it is not a TLE request, since no TLE funds are needed or will be used. Keep second to last in the recommendation list.
- Recommendation 8 approved by majority vote with the following changes
- Needs more description - Purchasing 25 items, need to identify what they are and what they will be used for, etc.
- Discussion of general document and submission
- Need to look up the deadline for requests
- Need to consider adding in the cost for software for next year
- Need to fix formatting issues
- Suggestion to add a table after each recommendation clearly stating the requested funds, what for, etc. - make everything appear uniform and easy to read.
- Blosser will send out final draft with these additions for final review
- The meeting was adjourned (Pierce) at 4:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Blundell