Meeting Minutes: November 5, 2015
- Stephen Blosser, Chair
- Graham Pierce, Vice Chair; Webmaster
- Al Puzzuoli
- Danielle Fowler
- Dave Goodrich
- Divya Venkatesan
- Emilia Marcyk
- Jessica Schein
- Joann Silsby
- Kevin Henley
- Lydia Tang
- Nate Evans
- Nicole Stevens Edge
- Paul Heberlein
- Phil Deaton
- Ranti Junus
- Sarah Swierenga
- Tyler Smeltekop
- Blosser called meeting to order at 1:00 PM
- Discussion of new classroom control systems
- Wireless touchscreens are the only way to control projector, volume, etc.
- No way for individuals who have significant visual impairments to use (no screen reader, no alternate mobile app access, etc.).
- Plan to contact Steve Jowett to discuss issue.
- Might have presentation from 4 Winds soon.
- Nate Evans: "Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan"
- Engaged in discussion on California State University and University of Montana's procurement processes.
- No formal EEAP in place at present time.
- Current draft steps:
- Ask vendors to sign EIT General Terms and Conditions Addendum, and ask them questions from the University of Illinois procurement process.
- Ask vendor to provide VPAT to evaluate which features are 508 compliant (currently working on VPAT template to focus on WCAG 2.0 AA).
- If vendor refuses to sign, an accessibility evaluation may be initiated.
- When there are individual vendors, try to get purchasing agents present as well.
- Future goal to formalize above outlined process
- Future plans to include flexible language in process such as "or other applicable guidelines."
- Trying to create a broader scope and bring more awareness to process.
- Bring products that need to be improved to the ATC, whether they are in your respective department or not (send Stephen Blosser an agenda item request).
- Pierce suggests that the ATC could fill a role to discuss product/process without going through central IT/Procurement.
- Discussion of plans for future meetings
- Stephen Blosser plans to invite students with disabilities to talk from CSD.
- November 13, 2015 - Making Learning Accessible Conference at the Union with talks on accessibility.
- Discussion on creating a website to give information about pre-approved vendors and accessibility. Possibly be a wiki page, may include list of VPATS and contact information.
- Signage is an agenda item for future meetings.
- The meeting was adjourned (Pierce, Junus) at 2:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Divya Venkatesan